
Obstetric Services

Our labor rooms have four delivery beds and fully operational areas for baby resuscitation and care. Our Obstetrician specialist, Dr Kimberley Walhof, can do detailed assessments with ultrasound or other tests to assess your baby’s well-being. Women with twins or triplets, a history of previous C-section, diabetes in pregnancy, previous pregnancy losses or bleeding should best be delivered in hospital where specialized care is available. All women qualify for Linda Mama coverage or coverages through NHIF or other insurances so safe delivery in hospital can be performed with no additional cost. Full laboratory check-ups and ultrasound studies are done for all pregnant mothers. Caesarean Section care for women who are unable to safely deliver vaginally is available 24 hours daily. Kapsowar Mission Hospital has the only higher-level newborn unit with incubator care available in the region. Assessments for women having difficulty conceiving is also available through our specialist care.